[X_MEN] X - Men

It's X-Men time


We are the X-Men.
We are a team of superheroes.
In this game we fighting for peace and equality between humans and mutants.
To reach our goal we will fight in stronghold, Clan Wars and ESL. Everything the game has to offer, we'll play it.

We have simple rules:
First rule of the X-Men: never talk about the X-Men.
Second rule of the X-Men is respect for other mutants and humans.
Third rule of the X-Men... there ain't a third rule.

If you have super powers don't hesitate to contact us.

Requirments to join are:

- Telepathy to comunicate (if you haven't got it use TeamSpeak)
- Good skill level (2000wn8 overall / 2500wn8 recent)
- Good win rate (55% overall / 58% recent)
- Predisposition to team play (X-Men help each other)
- Be an active player (2-3 days per week during the evening, X-Men don't need to sleep)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 7

Ø Battles10443
Ø WN82590,95
Ø WinRate59,22%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate