[KUM] Killing and Unstoppable Machine

Klan za zabavu i prijateljstvo - Clan for fun and friendship


Za dobre ljude zeljne zabave, igre WOT-a u platoonu i strongholdu... stjecanja novih prijateljstava i napredovanja kao igrac. Nemamo posebne zahtjeve za tenkove i godine. Ocekujemo da nam se pridruzite online i igrate u klanu kad god je to moguce.
Jezik: hrvatski i engleski.

Upozorenje: ne trpimo uvrede i provokacije zasnovane na narodnosti i vjeri. Ukoliko se iste dogode izbacujemo igraca iz KLANA.

Trenutno koristimo gamevox sa adresom: http://www.gamevox.com/TFG3-567

For people who want to have fun, play WOT in platoons, and strongholds, build new friendships, and evolve as players.We do not have any strict policy about tier and age.
Only expectation is that when you are online you play in clan whenever possible.
Language: Croatian and English.

Warning: we do not tolerate any insult and provocations based on nation and religion, and if any ocurrs you will be kicked from the CLAN.

Currently using gamevox with adress: http://www.gamevox.com/TFG3-567

Clan statistics

Number of members: 2

Ø Battles19359
Ø WN81647,24
Ø WinRate53,51%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined
2Sannto210,0001467,4952,08%15450Executive officer

Skirmishes statistics

#Player name7D Battles30D Battles

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate