[CSRB] Crni_Srbi

Nikad ne jebi sam!


Pozz ljudi dobro dosli u nas klan.
Ako hocete da ostanete u klanu morate biti aktivni,imati TS i nesmete vredjati druge clanova klana.
Evo su neka pravila a ostalo je samo zabava. xD

Hello people came to our clan well.
If you want to stay in the clan, you must be active, have a Ts , and you will not be guilty of other members of the clan.
Here are some rules and the rest is just fun. xD

TeamSpeak:In progress
Skype:Crazy_Boy, Petar Vidic

Clan statistics

Number of members: 3

Ø Battles462
Ø WN8117,49
Ø WinRate47,00%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate